Arif's writing

Just trying to give by write something worthwhile to others..


#3 template

#3 template web design
#3 template

Name : #3 template
Author : Arif Budi Prasetyo
Release year : 2009
Download address :



Fiber needs in children

Fruits contain good nutrients and fiber
Fiber needs of children by the calculations is the child's age + 5 grams. So, if your child's age is 5 years old, then the need for fiber is 10 grams.

Source of dietary fiber are vegetables, fruits, cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, legumes. To meet the needs of fiber, it can be obtained from the daily food intake that is nutritionally balanced.

Eat variety of foods that body needs. In preparing daily menu make sure the nutrition is complete, consisting of:

Sources of carbohydrates: rice, potatoes, bread, cereals.

Sources of protein: animal and vegetable side dishes (fish, chicken, meat, eggs, tofu, tempeh).

Sources of vitamins and minerals and fiber: fruits and vegetables.

Milk: Rich in protein, minerals, especially calcium: 1-2 cups per day

So that the fiber are met, choose foods with enough fiber.

The fiber content in various foods
• 1 medium size apple : 3 grams
• 1 medium size banana : 3 grams
• 1 medium size orange : 3 grams

Regarding the use of fiber supplements, actually it is not necessary if the child has fulfilled the needs of fiber in daily food. Eating fruits and vegetables, besides fiber-rich content of vitamins, It also rich in minerals and antioxidants that are good for growth and health of children.

Many fiber supplements are offered in the market, packed practically and attractively. For its security needs carefully before buying if indeed you really need it.

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Healthy lifestyle to gain body weight

(illustration / public domain image)
If you want to gain weight, you still have to run a healthy lifestyle such as:
  1. Eating with the amount of calories that are adjusted to the desired body weight.
  2. Do exercise regularly so that weight gain occurs mainly in muscle mass, not fat mass.
  3. Get enough rest.
  4. Do not forget to do a healthy lifestyle by avoiding stress, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and others.  

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Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GX1: Micro Four Thirds Camera with ISO 12,800

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GX1 camera
Panasonic digital re-enliven the micro four thirds camera market with the new LUMIX G series, the DMC-GX1. Compact System Camera (CSC) is equipped with the Live MOS sensor with resolution of 16 megapixels and a Venus Engine that ensures the quality of the resulting image resembles to the original object. To enable capturing the quality photos in poor lighting conditions, Panasonic has been "arming" GX1 with ISO sensitivity up to 12,800.

Just like the other LUMIX G camera series, GX1 adopt focus Contrast AF system which allows the process of focusing done by the image sensor. With this system, GX1 capable of producing high resolution images and reduce noise. Focus adjustment process can be done quickly with the Light Speed ​​AF Auto Focus that allows the process carried out in just 0.09 seconds. This speed can be achieved by synchronization between the lens and the sensor which is done with the speed of 120 fps.

LUMIX DMC-GX1 has a touch screen sized 3-inch LCD equipped with touch-control system so that users can adjust the focus of the camera by simply touching the screen with 460,000 dot resolution. With AF Tracking function, GX1 can lock and follow the movements of the subject in focus, even in motion. Just as digital cameras in general, GX1 can be used to record HD video in AVCHD format.

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GX1 will be available soon on the market mid-December with a price range USD699.99 to USD949.99, depending on the choice of kit. There are 14 Micro Four Thirds lens that can meet the needs of its photographers-from standard zoom, telephoto, single focal length, wide-angle, fish-eye, macro, to the 3D lens.

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Is it safe to consume dates and honey for people with diabetes?

date trees and its fruits (illustration / public domain image)
Meal planning for diabetics (persons with diabetes) is an absolute must do. In planning meals, there are 3 patterns, which include:

Number of calories
Adjusted to body weight, height, age, physical condition, so it is very individual.

Type or composition of food
Choose foods with low glycemic index (called the glycemic index low if under 55) and the lower the glycemic load (glycemic load low if above 10).

Meal schedule
Eating with the schedule is divided into five to six times of the day, which includes three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and two or three times for snack.

What about honey and dates? Honey is a type of foods that contain carbohydrates at 12 grams in a tablespoon, and provides 50 kcal. In addition, honey also has a glycemic index of about 87 (including types of foods with high glycemic index). Therefore honey still may be consumed, but only for seasonings, such as an extra or a mixture of seasonings for cooking.

Likewise dates, which is a fruit with an energy content of 50 kcal and 12 grams of total carbohydrate content of each three dates. There are several types of dates on the market, such as fresh fruit (which is not in the form of sweets) has a glycemic index of about 46 (come under low glycemic index), while dried dates have a glycemic index of 100.

So people with diabetes can still eat dates, as long as the as it's three fresh fruits a day, and it is not preserved or dried dates in the form of sweets.

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This is the first comic about child with autism

Cover of the comic
In order to commemorate World Autism Awareness Day Care in 2009 which commemorated on the 2nd of April each year, Autism Community Care Indonesia (MPATI) launched Indonesia's first comic about autism entitled Anak Autis Sahabat Kita Semua (Autistic Children are Our Friends).

This comic contains an elaboration of illustrations about autism and proper parenting to know for parents and teachers who teach in children with disabilities school.

Currently there are still a lot of information about autism that is less clear and often this makes a lot of families tend to worry and just keep children with autism from the community.

Autism comics is planned to be published in serial with a price of Rp 5,000 a piece. Proceeds will be used to support programs related to the progress of dissemination of information regarding autism.

Clear information and family support will pave the way for children with autism to live independently.

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Seeing the talents of children by fingerprint analysis

Fingerprint analysis (illustration / public domain image)
The very first step to developing the potential intelligence of children is to recognize the talents and learning styles. To find out, parents can take children to do fingerprint analysis.

Fingerprint analysis is a method of measurement by scanning fingerprint of children to know which working style of the brain that most dominant in relation to the potential, motivation, character, and learning styles of children.

The use of test kits are intended to help parents to understand the potential that children have more easily. By recognizing the talents of children early, parents are much easier to provide the proper stimulus and direction.

Today many parents and teachers who have difficulty interacting with the children, so asking the children to study is not easy. Parents also often force their children to do tutoring activities that children has no interest at all. Every child has the talent, to recognize it, this could be a good start in achieving the goals of children.

Fingerprint analysis is not a prophecy because it is based on the research and scientific methods. This analysis method is also not a verdict tools, gauges of intelligence, as well as a comparison tool.

Experts in the field of dermatoglyphics (the study of patterns of fingerprints) and the neuroanatomy have found that the fingerprint pattern is genetic and has appeared when the fetus in the womb.

The pattern of strokes on the skin of a fingerprint, known as epidermal lines, proved to have a correlation with the growth hormone system in the same brain cells with a factor of epidermal lines.

Basically the fingerprint analysis methods only interpret the potential of children, while achieving the the intelligence ability of children is more influenced by the work done by children with the support of parents, teachers, and the environment.

By understanding the potential of children's talents, parents can know the best way to do to children in learning. In addition, children who have a stand out talent can also be improved.

In addition to fingerprint analysis method, there are several other methods to measure a person's personality, which is psychometric method that measures a person's psychological condition from the aspects of behavior that is appeared. For example, IQ tests, aptitude tests, personality tests, graphology, and so on.



The mystical value contained in the art of Asmat

Asmat artwork (image source : CBN portal)
Asmat carving is a form of communication between the living and the dead, between the human community and the spirit world. Because, for the Asmat people, each entity spirited. In that context, the taste of Asmat art should be understood.

Arguably, Asmat carving is a representation of the relationship between living humans and their ancestors. However, not all crafters deserve to be called craftsmen.
Asmat craftsmen carving (image source : Rumah Blog Papua)
Only those who have the ability to carve as well as a bunch of mythological knowledge that give authenticity to his art which is deserve to be called "wow cescu ipit" or reputable craftsmen.

Wow cescu ipit are the keepers of community heritage myth. He also has the ability to strengthen the bond between live people world and spirits world. He has the power to bring the spirit into his work.

That confirms what was told by a sculptor about the legend of Fumiripits, the first man. He was the man who carved two human figures, male and female. He also made two of that statue alive by beating Tifa (traditional drum).

It represents a search for their identity and shows the value of an artwork. That may explain why at the carving parade the woodcarvers can easily sculpt a piece of wood. Without the help of patterns or images, they were able to carve 40 centimeters wooden beam into human statues.



benefits of seaweed and how to process it

Seaweed (illustration / public domain image)
As we all know, seaweed is rich in nutrients, it contains iodine, iron, calcium, mannitol, carotene and other nutrients that the body needs. Seaweed called Laminaria contains the active ingredient which can lower cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. Laminaria also has anti-clotting effects, can prevent intravascular thrombosis. Kelp is also rich in cellulose, cellulose can reduce cholesterol, to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Remember to soak it six hours before eating

Arsenic is a substance which if consumed in excessive amounts can cause chronic poisoned. Arsenic found in seaweed caused by water pollution. Therefore, before consuming seaweed, to keep it safe, should be washed clean. But do not soak it too long because the nutrients contained can be dissolved into the water.

Patients with hyperthyroidism and gastrointestinal diseases, especially gastric and duodenal ulcers should not consuming seaweed, pregnant and lactating women should not eat too much seaweed because seaweed contains iodine that will enter through the blood circulation into the body of fetus, and it can causes thyroid dysfunction in the fetus / child.

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Tips related to bone and body height

Teen (illustration / public domain image)
The height of teenage girl would stop growing at age 18. Until now there is no safe way and reliable medically to increase height after the period of growth is complete. The thing that should be done to the body and bone health is:

Consumption of foods with a complete and balanced nutrition, especially for achieving optimal bone mass to prevent osteoporosis or bone loss, such as:
* Proteins, which are found in meat, fish, eggs, tofu, tempe, beans, and so on.
* Calcium in milk, cheese, anchovy, fish, spinach, broccoli, and so forth.
* Phosphorus in cheese, cereals, beef, yogurt, and so forth.
* Magnesium in fish, fruits, and vegetables
* Vitamin D is found in sunlight, milk, fish, cheese, cereal
* Vitamin K in spinach, cauliflower, broccoli
* Zn minerals on a lot of seafood, chicken, beef, sausage, and so forth.
* Regular exercise 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

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What do you do if there is a bat in your house?

Bat (illustration/public domain image)
All you have to do is calm. Bats are animals that are not dangerous at all. They only lived for hibernation, find a place to be alone, to stay away from too much movement and noise. They are not an aggressive animal, bats bite only if they are caught, to defend themselves. Probably only would dangerous for mosquitoes and other nocturnal insects and plant your fruit (if you have one)
