Arif's writing

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Learn Origami, Learn Art of Life

Origami boats (Image:Sharon Apted)
Origami is not just the art of paper folding that originated from China (note made ​​in AD by Ts'ai Lun, but many people say that origami originated from Japan). Origami also has many benefits for human life. These benefit that better we look than arguing over who was start the origami.

There are ten benefits of origami, including the establishment of a more perfect motor skills in both hands, an increase of intellectual ability, creative power upgrades, and stimulate balance performance between the left and right brain. Origami can also increase the power of imagination, enhance the skills of focused attention (concentration), increases the ability of memory, develop patience, giving emotional and aesthetic experience, and of course make someone could appreciate the pleasure, satisfaction, and pride his work.

Origami can also improve math skills. In the folding process it must use calculation, for example, when divide the paper into two or more / into several equal parts. After that, when an origami result that finished reopened, it will look symmetrical patterns of fold marks. This helps a person, especially children, in recognizing patterns and concepts of geometric shapes

The benefits of origami are also associated with the development of an individual's understanding of art. Origami allows us to form a paper, which is a two-dimensional objects because it is so thin, becomes three-dimensional form. This is very useful in developing a person's spatial thinking abilities. This could fosters thinking, how something that previously could not be transformed into something, now could, that does not exist into exist. That is the benefits of origami in the formation of the appreciation and artistry.

Origami can also train one's intuition. By folding a paper and through a long process before it can finally create a form, someone become accustomed to seeing a process, understand how something happen. If this continues to be trained, one can very easily understand that something is happening comperhensively, which sometimes can not be seen with the standard understanding.

Shape formed from the origami was not just an inanimate object, but can be assembled into "live" objects. With a little touch, the origami objects can move even float. This is what makes pleasure and happiness which is not just an art of origami paper folding, but in the end we can entertain ourselves with the movement that produced from the final product.

The origami has spread into various parts of the world so this art of folding have a lot of system and names. Not only that, the origami has been widely used to decorate the wedding party so guests can smile and even laugh by the beautiful of the origami.



4 corporates allegedly involved in orangutans massacre

Massacre of orangutans in Borneo by irresponsible companies (Image:public domain)
At least three corporates engaged slaughter of orangutans in Borneo. The fact is the observation result of the Center for Orangutan Protection (COP) which presented in a press conference in Jakarta.

The first corporate is Metro Kajang Corporate Benhard with subsidiary PT Khaleda Agroprima Malindo (KHAM) based in East Kalimantan. Cases which involving corporates was a massacre of orangutans in the village Puan Cepak, East Kalimantan.

One of the evidences of massacres involving these companies is bones that found in the concession area of PT KHAM which reconstructed by Tropical Forest Research Centre Mulawarman University. It was proved that the bones belonged to the orangutan.

COP explained that based on reports of citizens, PT KHAM has a relationship with another company, PT Anugerah Urea Sakti (AUS). Both are sometimes regarded as the same company, owned by a local businessman named JM.

COP successfully evacuate each of the first baby of orangutans from poachers which rented PT PT AUS and KHAM to kill orangutans. COP also evacuated baby orangutans that are kept in the camp workers of PT AUS.

Recent evidence, COP found orangutans in battered condition in the region PT KHAM. This male orangutan's face was swollen and bloody and also his body was injured due to the rope that bound him.

According to the residents, COP explained that one way to eradicate wildlife including orangutans are using Furadan poison which sprayed onto the bananas. Then, these bananas stocked on the outskirts of the forest so that wildlife that eat them die.

Besides Metro Kajang Benhard, other corporates involved in the slaughter of orangutans in East Kalimantan is Makin Group with PT Sabhantara Rawi Sentosa as a subsidiary. The company operates in Muara Wahau, East Kalimantan.

COP found two babies of orangutans aged 4-5 years and another one aged 2-3 years. Both the parent has been killed. When orangutan's grave dismantled for identification the death reason, the COP team found that one orangutan fingers broken.

Two other alleged corporates involved in the slaughter of orangutans based in Central Kalimantan, are Wilmar Group and Best Agro International Group. The involvement of both companies show that the orangutans were slaughtered in the territory of its strategic location of its conservation.

Evidence of corporates involvement is the finding of three skulls on the ground and a dead orangutans on the trees in the area of ​​PT Sarana Titian Permata 2 (STP 2), a company under the Wilmar Group. Orangutan which died on the tree allegedly shot by foreman of PT STP 2.

Other evidence, COP evacuate a baby of orangutans that are kept by Bangkal villagers. The sustainer said that the mother of baby orangutans are killed during land clearing of PT Rimba Harapan Sakti (RHS).

Campaigner of COP, Hardi Baktiantoro, said the data collected by COP showed that the evidence of orangutan massacre case is abundance. Currently, one of the constraints follow up cases of the slaughter of orangutans is the lack of evidence and witnesses.


choose books according to age of children

children's fairy tale book
Many benefits can be taken from reading, among others, increase knowledge and information, to enhance one's insight. Nevertheless there are some things to consider for parents when choosing reading books to children, that is adjusting type of reading with the child's age.

Many parents who actually makes their children become afraid to read because children are forced to become smarter, and to just read books of science or useful book -of parents version. This indirectly makes children feel compelled to read, when in fact the reading could be an option for refreshing and relaxing.

"Give them readings that is appropriate for their age. Thus they will love and passion for reading books," said John T, book editor of Erlangga publisher.

According to John, a lot of misconceptions going on reading activities. For example, many parents argue that the comic is not the kind of books that are beneficial to children. "Children will be saturated if the are too often read formal books that are too heavy for their age. It's alright in occasionally to read comics or magazines. The most important thing is how to foster love of reading books that positive and age appropriate," he explained.

According to John, read a comic book or magazine is also has a variety of specific benefits, among others, to increase knowledge about things that are happening in the world, as well as stimulate creativity and imagination of children. From comic books or books other than science books, in fact the children will slowly start to think creatively. His imagination will grow from every story they read.



Among these 4 learning styles, which that yours?

Learning can be fun if you know the right and suitable method (Image:National Child Labor Committee at 1917)
Everyone must have a preference about learning styles that considered effective and have beneficial for them. There is a type of auditory, visual, logical, social, solitary, or tactile style. Sometimes, learning styles which applied in accordance with the conditions and situation at hand. It is also possible for someone who is "addicts" to learn, will explore and develop learning styles to find the most suitable for use. Let's find out, about what kind of your learning style that suitable for you and is it effective?

Visual style
Visual learners will be better absorb the information obtained through pictures, videos, graphics, and text books. People with this type will get the beneficial when the information is presented through a projector, whiteboard, in a paper, or books. Learners with the visual style usually always make a note which they made in detail, and always provide extra time to review the information they get from reading the book.

Often, the learners also made a drawing and diagrams when trying to understand a subject.

Auditory style
Learners with auditory style will feel more effective to absorb information just by listening to the material presented by lecturer or speaker, through sound recordings and other forms of verbal communication. While visual style learners is more comfortable with reading book or watching video, then the auditory learners feel better by attending a lecture class to hear directly from the lecturer.

Tactile style
learners with the type of Tactile will keep information well if involved and participate, so that they could directly communicate with the subject/object they learned. Learners with this type are also known with kinaesthetic learners.

Examples of this type of learners, usually the students who are studying the automotive field. They will learn better with direct tweaking the car rather than sitting in class listening to a lecturer or reading book. Others, will be very enthusiastic when assigned to perform experiments in the laboratory.

Logical style
Someone who excels in math and have strong skills of logical reasoning are usually categorized as a logical learners. They see the pattern quickly and have a keen ability to connect information that does not seem unreasonable for others.

The logical style learners will save the information better through the image of connections they made ​​after organizing all the information obtained.

Social style
The social style learners usually excel in writing and verbal communication skills. People with this typically would be easy to talk with others and often understand their perspective. Therefore, often people will seek advice from the social style learners. They are also known to work well in groups and prefer to consult with teachers on an individual basis.

Solitary style
Solitary style learners are usually prefer to work alone in a more privacy. They do not depend on others or expect help from others in solving their study problems.

People with this type will analyze what they learn with their own preferences and methods. With a pleasure to work alone, it is possible they will require more time to solve the problems found.

To determine which style best and effective for you to absorb the information obtained during the learning process, find a style that can makes you comfort. Accuracy in learning style would be beneficial in supporting the learning success and your future!



Verticulture, Healthy and Green in the Narrow Area

Onion planting in Pasuruan with Verticulture technique (image:Bataviase)
Have a gardening activity in Jakarta is a good thing. But, for most people here it may be often hampered because we live in a narrow alley. Now, there is a solution to overcome this problem, it's called Verticulture planting technique.

"Verticulture is way of gardening by arrange it vertically. It's better because it saves more area and this also artistic," said Donor Rahayu, one of the founders of the Komunitas Halaman Organik.

Verticulture techniques are usually developed by using rack or pipe. Meanwhile, as plant container, we can use plastic cups from waste of drinking water product and the like.

"Many plants can be grown using this technique, it is not damaged as well," said Donor. To maximize plant growth, we can use a mixture of soil with compost with a ratio of 3:1. The maintenance is easy, simply by spraying water.
Verticulture planting by pipe (image:Lapak Hijau)

With verticulture techniques, each household can produce organic vegetables on their own. And house become more beautiful because it also can be used with ornamental plants.

"Vegetables that can be planted with this technique for instance caisim, lettuce, celery, rosemary, and many more. And it also can be mixed with ornamental plants to prevent pests, such as sanseivera, myrtle, Soka, akalipa, Aglonema, and so forth," said Donor.

Growing vegetables, herbs and ornamental plants with verticulture is one of the Komunitas Halaman Organik programs. Another founder of this community is the Donor's husband, Soeparwan Soeleman.

The main advantage of developing garden is health itself. The house got a healthy food intake, has a healthy activity and healthy environment as well. Another advantage is to get cheap foods, a beautiful house and peace of mind.



From Waste Become Tables and Asbestos

A lot of garbage that can be processed into ready-made ​​goods. Type of garbage that can be processed is aseptic garbage, that is garbage of beverage product packs that looks like a half paper and a half aluminum foil.
Aseptic garbage (Image:Trashbasher)
One of the companies that manages the aseptic garbage is Kotak Foundation. Products that produced from recycled aseptic garbage is tables, chairs, asbestos or partition and paper.

"Within a week, we were able to collect 15 tons of aseptic garbage," said Iman Firmansyah.

Each week, 15 tons of aseptic garbage collected from 20 landfills in 17 fields in the city of Bandung by Kontak Foundation. Garbage that bought from scavengers at a price of 750 rupiahs per kilogram.
Aseptic garbage processed in factory (Image:Trashbasher)

Aseptic garbage that collected then processed in the factory, Then molded into tables, chairs, asbestos or partition.

"Asbestos that produced from aseptic material is more flexible. If it is leaking, it can easily patched just by heating it. Unlike the general asbestos which causing dust that is harmful to health," he explained.

Besides specialized in garbage recycling, Kontak Foundation also cultivate the field of environmental education and health. Currently, the foundation has 12 employees. They are working with number of schools to socialize the waste sorting.

Currently, Kotak Foundation works together with SMA (Senior High School)10, SMP (Junior High School)11 and SMP 48. After socializing how to sort garbage, then foundation will buy the garbage which sorted by students.

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Let's be a Volunteers of Orangutans!

Orangutan of Kalimantan (Borneo)
Many people work together to preserve the orangutan from extinction. You can also participate in this event, just follow the program at the Orangutan Foundation International (OFI). This program lasts for approximately three weeks in the hinterland of Central Borneo.

If you interested in, you should prepare $1.275 or approximately 11, 5 million Rupiahs. This fee applies when you are accepted into the program and ensure your role as a volunteer at OFI, but the money is not refundable.

You must have been a member of the OFI and at least 18 years if you want to apply for this volunteer program. Not only that, you also must be in good health physically and mentally, and ready to live in the jungle with very minimal facilities. Living in the forest also means you should be ready by the threat of tropical diseases such as venomous snake bites, malaria, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), hepatitis, and typhoid.

Applicants are also responsible for any vaccinations are needed, that are anti-malarial drugs and other medications. Please note, you also must be free from tuberculosis (TB) for the sake of safety and health of orangutans. No need to worry if you are inexperienced. OFI is looking for people who have a desire to help, sincerity in helping conservation of forests and orangutans, as well as various working interest in OFI.

If accepted, you will be working approximately eight hours per day with a break on Sunday.

More info :
