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The mystical value contained in the art of Asmat

Asmat artwork (image source : CBN portal)
Asmat carving is a form of communication between the living and the dead, between the human community and the spirit world. Because, for the Asmat people, each entity spirited. In that context, the taste of Asmat art should be understood.

Arguably, Asmat carving is a representation of the relationship between living humans and their ancestors. However, not all crafters deserve to be called craftsmen.
Asmat craftsmen carving (image source : Rumah Blog Papua)
Only those who have the ability to carve as well as a bunch of mythological knowledge that give authenticity to his art which is deserve to be called "wow cescu ipit" or reputable craftsmen.

Wow cescu ipit are the keepers of community heritage myth. He also has the ability to strengthen the bond between live people world and spirits world. He has the power to bring the spirit into his work.

That confirms what was told by a sculptor about the legend of Fumiripits, the first man. He was the man who carved two human figures, male and female. He also made two of that statue alive by beating Tifa (traditional drum).

It represents a search for their identity and shows the value of an artwork. That may explain why at the carving parade the woodcarvers can easily sculpt a piece of wood. Without the help of patterns or images, they were able to carve 40 centimeters wooden beam into human statues.



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