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How to make sushi rice without Japanese rice

Sushi rice
The main ingredients for making sushi is sushi rice. However, not all types of rice can be processed into good sushi rice. One of the conditions to make the right sushi rice is the level of stickiness of the rice type.

Usually, sushi rice is made from Japanese rice that texture is similar with glutinous.

To deal with the difficulty of getting Japanese rice, we could try to use the ordinary rice. We do need to pay attention to differences in the texture of both types of rice. The difference lies in its level of tenderness and stickiness. So, to make ordinary rice similar with Japanese rice, choose fluffier and good quality rice. Then, mix a little glutinous to the rice when it cooked. In order to fit the level of its stickiness and make it still fluffier, then the comparison of rice and glutinous that used is 1 kg: 100 gr.

Beside that, the sushi rice that made from Japanese rice has a characteristic of slightly sour taste. To produce a slightly sour rice, then some mixture of salt, vinegar, and sugar, should be mixed into the rice. Comparison of rice, vinegar, salt, and sugar used is 1 kg of rice mixed with 150 cc of vinegar rice, 25 grams of salt, and 50 grams of sugar.

For vinegar, use the original Japanese rice vinegar. Because common vinegar has a very high level of acidity, so the flavor of sushi would be very acidic.



What to eat before and after doing exercise

Exercising woman
Eat before and after exercise is essential to provide "fuel" that needed when exercising, as well as recovering the body after exercise. However, what is the food menu that suitable to be consumed before exercise?

Because exercise is basically requires a lot of energy, foods that contain carbohydrates are necessary. Remember, carbohydrates which are needed is not simplex carbohydrates, that absorbed rapidly and fall rapidly. But, a complex carbohydrates.

Besides rice, other complex carbohydrates can be found on potato (eaten with skin) and corn. The principle of balanced nutrition should still be applied by adding the protein (10-20 percent), fat (20-25 percent), as well as vitamins and minerals (can be obtained from vegetables and fruits).

If you choose "heavy" foods like rice, do not overeat. When the digestive system working too hard or disturbed, then it can causes stomachache, nausea and even vomit. Such foods should be consumed two hours before start exercising. For a loaf of wheat bread or a baked potato can be consumed one hour before exercise.

Types of snacks like energy bars can also be an option. However, you to be concerned about the nutritional composition. Do not choose foods that have high fat because fat is difficult to digest. Carbohydrate absorption process became less effective.

On the sidelines of exercise, you certainly feel thirsty. You need to drink more water. However, just water is not enough because the body is exposed the electrolyte and mineral during exercise so it needs to be satisfied again.

Drink juices that are not too cold and not too sweet. What is needed is an extract of fruit, so do not mixed it with water and do not take the fiber.

After exercise, the energy needs to be recovered with the correct nutrients to maintain muscle tissues, prepare muscles for your next workout, helping to reduce muscle pain, and prevent injury. However, do not immediately eat even though you feel hungry.

Because while exercising, All glucose we have is dropped, we can replace it with a sweet drink. One hour after exercise, drink juice with a combination of three fruits, like orange, watermelon, and cantaloupe. After that, you can eat chicken porridge, that can be easily digested.

Sports drinks can also be an alternative. But, again, consider the nutritional composition. Choose a drink that contains carbohydrates, electrolytes, sodium, potassium, and chlorine. Instead, energy drinks should not be an option because it was added with the stimulant in the form of caffeine and taurine.

If you have recently do weight training or resistance training, then the muscle tissue damage should be recovered by consuming protein. However, still be careful and do not overdo it. Generally, foods contain natural protein, so you do not need to overeating protein or a protein bar.

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The philosophy of Minangkabau songket patterns

Not only batik that has different meanings on each patterns. Weaving of West Sumatra or songket with a wealth of patterns also has its own meaning and value of togetherness. "Weaving skill for the Indonesian is a legacy that needs to be defended and socialized, as this is the power of culture, creativity, and art in social life," said designer Samuel W, during the fashion show.

During its development there is a process of acculturation in Minangkabau society, especially since the inclusion of Islamic influence to the city. This affects the woven patterns that adapt natural motifs and ornaments from the Middle East like Arab, Egyptian, and Syriac. Long ago, indigenous element is synonymous with nature because nature is considered as a source of principal and essential to the human race that have influenced motifs crafters in process of this songket.

This fact turned out to form a philosophy in various woven fabric motifs of West Sumatra. Examples are as follows:

1. Pucuk Rabuang

These motifs have meaning that a person's life should be useful over time. This pattern told that life should follow the philosophy of bamboo, which is always useful since it's young bamboo (bamboo shoots) to eat, until it's old (bamboo) as the floor of the house or building materials. This bamboo shoots motif is also likened that the plant is useful throughout his life and all parts have many uses.

2. Itiak Pulang Petang
This motifs have meaning that live in a society must comply with applicable regulations. This pattern told that people should be able to live together and realize the harmony among Minangkabau people that live in the order of a solid mutual cooperation.

3. Kaluak paku
This motifs have meaning that we as humans should be introspective since childhood, and need to learn from an early age from family. Education in the family becomes the main provision for the running life in society. As adults we have to get along into the community, so that the provision of family life can make themselves more powerful and not easily affected by things that negative. Uniquely, this motif also has another meaning, that is a leader must be able to set an example for the people around.

4. Sajamba makan

This pattern used as a symbol of togetherness in the enjoyment of success.

5. Tirai
known as a decoration from the fabric that is placed on walls, doors, and others, whose function is to add beauty and lively atmosphere. This motifs describe the beauty, the symbol of luxury in the Minangkabau ceremonies.

6. Saluak laka

This pattern has mean as symbol of kinship. This will give meaning in people's life, that power will interwoven from unity that mutually bound so that it will be realized strength in facing various problems.
